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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday July 14, 2008 at the Multi Purpose Building in Sandy Hook, CT. 06482.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

PRESENT:  Chairman Chet Hopper, Catherine Adsitt, Theodore Kreinik, Robert Morey, Robert Rau, Monte Frank, John T. Torok Jr.

ALSO PRESENT:  Liz Stocker, Director of Community Planning and Development.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  The minutes of the previous meeting held June 17, 2008 had two corrections.  Under Old Business, the first sentence should read as follows, Chairman Chet Hopper discussed a report by Ted Kreinik that showed the Projected Preliminary Fiscal Impact.  Mr. Kreinik discussed the report he created and said that there were some missing figures that maybe the new Financial Director, Bob Tait, could possibly fill in. Mainly, what this plan will cost to initiate along with the bonding costs.  
And to the New Business section “B”, the last sentence should read as follows, It was mentioned to get, Don Droppo, the developer of Curtis Corporate Park to speak.  

Mr. Morey moved to approved to minutes as amended.  Mr. Torok seconded motion.  All were in favor.



Director of Planning and Community Development, Liz Stocker

The 700 word advertisement has been submitted to the New England Real Estate Journal for the next issue.
Mr. Morey asked Ms. Stocker if photos in the ad were acceptable. Ms. Stocker responded that any editorial is accepted.  

A. EDC Strategic Plan – SWOT Seminar – Agribusiness
Mr. Rau stated that a date has been established, the SWOT Seminar is planned for Thursday October 2, 2008 at the C.H. Booth Library.  He went on to say that the Chamber of Commerce and Women in Business are key groups.
Mr. Rau said that fliers for the event are to be sent by email and The Newtown Bee will also be notified.

Ms. Adsitt asked if it would be possible to have an RSVP account specifically for the SWOT Seminar to keep track of responses.  

Ms. Stocker will look into a separate web address.


Mr. Rau stated that Mr. Torok will follow up on the Agribusiness (regarding the EDC Strategic Plan).  Ms. Stocker asked for Mr. Torok to please contact her when he is ready to start the follow up.

B. Review Tech Park Proposals Market Study and Fiscal Impacts
Lawrence Kenny of AMS Consulting presented and reviewed with the Commission with the first findings for the Market Study in a hand out titled, Market Assessment – Preliminary Findings (ATTACHMENT A).  Also present was, Bruce Hoben, AICP of Planimetrics.

The Commission discussed in length the infrastructure costs to the Town and other possibilities the land could be used for if not a Technology park such as the Town leaving the property as is until the market improves, open space, selling to a private developer, the Town developing the land, or a Solar farm.

See ATTACHMENT B – Lot breakdown.

The Commission seemed to be in agreement that Mr. Kenny of AMS should meet with the Engineer of the Tech Park to re-evaluate whether the land has been divided appropriately to make the most sense financially to the Town.  

C. Commercial Realtors Reception – Tuesday July 22, 2008
M. Stocker presented to the Commission the current RSVP list for the reception (see ATTACHMENT C).
Mr. Hopper is to call John Trentacosta, Lyn Volpe and Mike Yau to verify attendance.

Mr. Morey asked if anyone would be giving an opening speech to introduce guests.  Mr. Hopper confirmed that there would be someone to do so.
Mr. Kreinik added that perhaps the personal property tax incentives might be mentioned to anyone who may be unaware of what the Town offers to business(s).  

The Commission discussed what, if any, representation should be present on the status of the Tech Park.  The Commission seemed undecided on whether any representation should be made on the Tech Park because of its status.  It was discussed that if the Tech Park were to be displayed, it would be a simple, undivided map only displaying the parcel as a complete picture.

D. Salute To Business 2008
Mr. Hopper stated that the Salute to Business is scheduled to be held October 2, 2008 at Rock Ridge Country Club in Newtown from 5:00p.m. to 7:30p.m.


NEW BUSINESS: None noted

ADJOURNMENT: Having no further business, Mr. Morey moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:20p.m.  Mr. Torok seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk Pro Tem